maandag 7 januari 2008

Antonio Pessoa


Space,mixed media on canvas,Antonio Pessoa 2007,besides establishing and expressing a definite new line of aesthetics,plus an apparent simplicity despite its complex set of effects,let alone the traditional pattern of chromatic abundance in a well combined display of emotional and motion variations,reflects clearly the artist's growing commitment to the inner methaphysical dimension of spiritual togetherness,mind and body exploring and experiencing the vast horizons of deep revelations,that supreme moment in time and space fusion when after the shutting down of all negative interferences,the sensorial Space becomes the whole universal,where wisdom,knowledge and awareness flow in spherical positive and bright radiations like shining stars into our soul. Antonio Pessoa expresses in Space the light of eternal wisdom,love and inner power when spiritual sight breaks through a vision of cosmic reality,that level of metamorphosic bridge between nothingness and rebirth! As the figurative elements quickly fade away,a new breeze of inner contentment and deep serenity art expression spreads across the canvas field,unwinding the space far from any suggestions definition based,supplying genuine concepts of pure and universal abstract thought,not only in a total contemporary format but most importantly with a manner of speech inspired by simplicity,spontaneous in its making and art expression,bound to a lightning approach for immediate communication with the viewer. The transformation of art from solid into liquid,that's how Antonio Pessoa melts the light atmosphere of cosmic discernment into colors and shapes,pure contemporary fine art easy digestibility literature,embellished by soft beauty looking poetry not only reflecting an advanced fluxus of perception and emotional design,but a global heartfelt determination to share,spread and absolutely communicate. Antonio Pessoa's now everyday life's faithful listening,discovering the truth,clearly enables him to come up with amazing artistic choices such as Space,where the Divine awakening ritual,spirit,possession and even mysticism,bowls well out in the open in the full glare of a new life's shining sun,of a new life's burning flame. This personal option to turn his art career a less and less urgent,even important issue,and in the meantime his personal life a first priority self-improvement wonderful procedure,always counting on all the lovely people,those who wish to make our planet a much better world to live in,might be Pessoa's most remarkable achievement of the New Millennium . Impressive but entirely true,the increasing attitude aiming to convert himself into a paradigmatic model of serene strengh,love,positive emotional freedom and happiness. And in so doing,we gradually can count on a valuable and creative presence of a faithful bright new age voice sender,expressing himself through art and hopefully more and more throughout the world. I personally believe there is no way back,now that artist Antonio Pessoa walked out for good from the lascivious lifestyle of the Romantic Period,the lustful times of an artist looking for something or even someone he hasn't found after all those years of fine art theatrical fantasmagory and seven days a week night life cocktail. Those days are gone and gone forever,no doubt about it,the only loose ends remaining is the foggy memory,as cloudy episodes of another period,another time,another life's extravaganza,cinematic and burlesque,lavishious delights,passionate childish exhibicionism and euphoric social performance. After all Antonio Pessoa is well aware that all those maddening precipitation events that followed the bohemian Romantic Period days,if not God's punishment for the artist's rebellious behaviour,at least it has been a long cold black night in his soul and in his life as well,a long time enough of storm and hurricane just enough to be face to face with tragedy and consequently to regret. That's when a self instructional program comes up as an open door and many open windows overlooking a new world of perception,well- being,sharing,confort,love and happiness. After the long crossword puzzle,Antonio Pessoa suddenly finds himself in front of a wisdom whispering mirror,telling him Divine Light is the only place in the Space. The artist's self-improvement proficiency,as in many troubled times throughout the years of his adventurous journey,once again has rescued him from the howling monster,transforming anxiety into supreme serenity,as the awesome complexity of existence all of a sudden gently appears dressed up like a magician with angel wings. Space,beyond the harsh atmosphere of life's struggle,Space,a set of wonderful dimensions in which the fundamental abstract concept seems to be the only relevant definition of time,existence and sense.Space,an infinite independent location that challenges systematic notions of pressure,tension and friction.Space,the pure natural awareness where philosophical questions are gently mitigated by Universal Acceptance!

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