Antonio Pessoa
Passion Play
By the time you finish reading this article,you'll discover Antonio Pessoa's secret to reaching the peak Art and Life performance level. This secret at this point of his life is responsible for generating successful gigantic projects and innovative amazing artistic concepts,each and everyday. So what's the contemporary Great Master's mindset that makes his Art and Life route extremely easy? This question has been reviewed over and over again and the multiple rewarding results in the artist's life ,that's all one needs to accept the fact that after all it's a matter of positive attitude and his supreme master key,imagination.On the whole,his most important thinking is his infinite beliefs that everything is possible. This Passion automatically sets his creative juices in motion and effective action to play right here and right on time the ultimate role,where invention is the light bulb,Pessoa's magical inner device which connects him anywhere,anytime with the universe of multiple possibilities and opportunities,making way for for him and his team to actually live an exciting and rewarding experience everyday. Antonio Pessoa's Passion-mindset has brought him the lifestyle of perfect abundance he is living and sharing with his friends,co-workers and public,feeling how wonderful it is and it feels to make Art and enjoy life his way and doing the things he desires and is so passionate about. The artist quality mindset keeps brightening his outlook,raising his emotions,and increasingly allowing him to be more and more the magnet,mentor and model to artists and public,and in so doing also allowing them to experience the many benefits of how easy it is to skyrocket Art and Life,just by unleashing the power within,with Passion,joy,excitement,ready to step on the stage and play! The artist's method to attract this New World of infinite possibilities,in Art and Life,has become a Must - much asked for - magical combination of wise steps and master key attitudes. Realistic or not,he may even imagine to walk on water as he splashes colors onto the canvas,even walking on the moon,once he decides it's possible. This analysis of the artist's Passion Play,is brutally applied,as his fulfilling consciousness of his strong points and talents become a clears vision ready for action and interactive communication,as he marks his place in his progress and throughout the process. By creating a dynamic environment with all the elements and features of improvement,to actually provide him with this great emotional payoff. Not like in the movies,but like in real life. The value of this method is once again the power of Passion,something to aim for,a direction in his studio performance and social-professional life. Antonio Pessoa's absolute awareness of how vital Passion is to increase not only his artistic productivity but equally important and very specific concrete pictures of what he really wants to express,communicate,share,where he wants to go and how he wants his life and Oeuvre to be...has made him actually wind up here,playing with passion for fun rather than perfectionism,systematically adjusting along the way,by learning new information and the real feedback he is systematically receiving. This method also includes a daily focused mental visualization,where art performance is a researching process of doing it over and over again,making the picture bigger,the expression- communication more vivid,animated and life absolutely three dimensional. Focused on this exciting process rather than the outcome,Pessoa,the artist,the inventor,the contemporary Great Marter,the Art Expert and definitely the great communicator,covers his favorite topics,such as devoted art studio performance,mindset-attitude skills and most importantly always aiming at living a happier and more positive life. Antonio Pessoa,a professional art veteran since the mid 80's,can be assumed as the paradigmatic self-made man-artist,having learned the tweaks and tricks and extra tutorials of the art business as time went by,and as his artistic skills skyrocketed to an extreme high level quality. Ultimately,Pessoa seems to be a living revival of the twentieth century's Modern Great Masters singularity,independent minded and similarly commited to create something (...anything !) greater than himself. Absolutely aware of the idea that for everything,for every situation,and for every opening night or art business meeting,there is a Best Solution,he has developed this surgical urgency to always perform at his fullest potential,the result of an experienced individual in the art business for quite a length of time now,who knows and has it in his system for good that ultimately the best education is when one has learned,experienced the real world,and gained from it. Definitely a contemporary artist and an art business man fully equipped,fully trained and pragmatically capable. No wonder that Passion and Action is always a definite part of his life,a life that talks about emotional intelligence,law of attraction,but also inevitably about fixing problems,and look good in a dimension called Art Scene,a complex city with so many avenues these days that those unexperienced emerging artists might as well find themselves in a burning hell of a jungle. In a world of art galleries online,online art dealers,online artists and even online art a world of newspapers,magazines,television,radio,brochures and flyers,emails,internet marketing,web sites,search engines and cell phones,Antonio Pessoa,the great communicator loves the customer and the public,to such an extent,that his Passion,Action,Fair Play,Know-How and mindset,is a combination ablaze which plays for the best in quality Art,systematically checking out new ways of expression,information,ideas,while increasing his knowledge and providing exciting enough resources that any art gallery owner,art dealer,art collector,would be interested in.And the good news report that they actually are! Another day,day after day staying in the present,focusing on the tastes of Art and Life,sounds,emotions,ideas,projects,dreams and other impressions from this exciting experience of living life the creative way.Antonio Pessoa's default mode is to hang in his intimate triumph,his popular easy going way,spending his time BEING rather than DOING. And the research goes on,delicious moments to acknowledge and appreciate the wonders of other fellow artists work. This time,inspired and motivated to explore Artlease galerie - Kunstuitleen,Utrecht,nl,Pessoa sees an excellent example immediately as he stumbles upon artists such as Ad Arma,Antony de Baat,Jan van Diemen,Jelis van Dolderen,Chris Buursen and also Baldin,just to mention some. This research ritual,is a powerful one,for Pessoa believes profoundly that observation precedes all quality creativity,and hence,creative energy follows this exciting process of being guided by the best of what's being accomplished worldwide in the universe of abstract contemporary art. Wisely represented by Artlease Galerie, Ad Arma surprises Antonio Pessoa by his original selection of paintings,sculptures and etchings,showing a solid foundation of impactful motion through unique color sequences and combinations,which visual results,while incredibly enigmatic,follow a defined path however generating a personal interpretation,even a challenging vacuum,infinitely relaxing,as time slips by,time goes but the visual alignment remain in our senses in a state of eternity. Artlease is thereby infinitely blessed by having Ad Arma among his art collection of quality contemporary artists. Antonio Pessoa very probably finds in Ad Arma the same pure intentions he currently believes in as the high magic of art expression at its very best,assisting and awakening a new consciousness to nurture the process of growth and unfoldment of pure spontaneous metaphysical contemporary expression. One of the best reasons for visiting Artlease on a regular basis,Ad Arma definitely reveals a fulfilling virtual-visual-conceptual and very personal prophesy,which is a compulsory Must. Public,art gallery owners,art collectors,are like Art.They want to be understood. You can almost hear art collectors whispering "You don't even know me " or maybe something like " You're not listening to me",or even, "You're not feeling me"! When are these situations supposed to be resolved once and for all? That's where Antonio Pessoa-the great communicator- comes in. He doesn't waste his time on the false assumptions that the artist is the one to be understood,so therefore his talent for understanding the art collectors true motivational sources,has added amazing response results and made them align with his Oeuvre and worldwide reputation,as one of the few living artists empowered to think differently through connecting the situation with new visions,self- assurance and no wonder this winning attitude has inevitably brought him all positive outcomes. So, after putting this information together,built on ethical and moral standards,Pessoa has established a set of cutting edge rules to play by,marking his highest new starting points for the actions he takes,including inevitably,art studio performance at his very best. Lucky Stars- Passion Play,this is a major challenge for contemporary artist Antonio Pessoa. Although the New Age-New Era art space created in that Contemporary Fine Art model and universe provided the area that he needed to be able to stand up and allow himself to be energetically creative and systematically aiming at further action and global communication... Needless to say that his powerful feelings of having already accomplished a dynamic art-social- time-zone that supports his passion and most importantly his focused desire to celebrate Art and Life with impactful enthusiasm,leads him to choosing to look continuously forward to new experiences to discover and adopt a broader perspective in order to rise above the level of average,meaning,to rise above of the tasks already accomplished and completed. While working from his Home-Studio ( wherever it might be,depending of the year seasons or his moods ) - one of Pessoa's most relevant advantages is living the Big Dream come true,and for so many people working with him,from art critics to web designers,from internet marketers to private biographers,from frelancer art dealers to other artists who come regularly to his studio to learn the latest dancing steps to take right away to boost their art performance and much more... That's how many great beliefs did actually change his life,from the local artist of ten years ago today,and the life of the driving energy of CAN,attracting things,people and rewarding situations to support him and his Oeuvre in having the reputation he-it deserves. It is here,it's Antonio Pessoa's daily life where Passion plays the ultimate role to break through and win,where Passion makes all the difference between average and creative uniqueness. Pessoa's latest paintings are inevitably the perception and representation of emotional intensity. The artist's astounding capacity to articulate shapes by juxtaposing surfaces of different colors,symbolic shapes and various points of perspective,make Antonio Pessoa - Contemporary Fine Art series highly subjective ( and very pleasant to the eye ),even creating in the viewer,perceptual psychological effects,however abstract and sometimes,shall we say,neo- surrealistic,the symbolical meanings form a harmony,even a melody with different optional contexts to it. That's why the esthetical value of artists like Jelis van Dolderen,Baldin,Chris Buursen,Antony de Baat and of course Ad Arma,inspires and stimulates Pessoa's sense of freedom of movement and the abstract beauty of this fantastic flow of energy. Incorporated in the great criteria of Artlease Galerie,these fellow artists provide Pessoa with an accurate stylization of the New World of New Art and beyond. With the power of Passion,Antonio Pessoa plays to win,while getting what he wants.This secret weapon is the artist's charisma,the personal power and attractiveness that enables him to be self-motivated on a around the clock basis,blessed by how he gets inspired to suggest new artistic options and innovative formulas and how he uses his natural influence to network with the right people. One of Pessoa's most relevant elements is Presence as his commanding quality,wherever he is,wherever he goes,even when he is nowhere to be seen. His unique style to stand out and be different in a positive and striking way. A prestigious person accustomed to being in high social circles,Pessoa is never - however "star-struck",simply because his aura of charisma is pure instinct,perception and intuition oriented,working to his advantage as a natural law. To interpret Pessoa's Art and Life,after all has little or nothing with Lucky Stars,however a subtle though rock-solid combination of skills and multiple talents,is more likely to be a reliable source in order to understand the artist's natural involvement in the very best,supreme and excellent that life can bring. Antonio Pessoa's fantastic team,marketing his Art and Life News to millions all over the world,has become a successful operation,with a very important trait in common. They know what they want,what they are promoting,the message in which they invariably believe in,they know the Art Scene world,they know where they are heading to,aiming at,they know what they want to accomplish . This one-on-many communication process,provides the artist with enough valuable time to be totally focused on his art studio performance,in his Home-Studio,his favorite place and art his ultimate exciting passion and devotion. The rule of Antonio Pessoa's dynamic team,is simply the complex task of reaching a large audience of potential art collectors worldwide,and public in general,educated and genuinely interested in high-quality Art. So,dear art lovers,do please,close your eyes and see clearly. Close your eyes and see the title Antonio Pessoa - Contemporary Fine Art written in the sky. What size are the letters? Yes.Larger than life. The size of his Passion. The quality content of his Play...and... The cutting edge possibilities of his Oeuvre!
dinsdag 21 oktober 2008
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