maandag 27 oktober 2008

Soul Fire

Antonio Pessoa

Soul Fire

There is an old saying that we can accomplish a lot if we "set our mind to it"...that is very true,and it particularly makes a lot of sense if we take as best example,the inner consistency,conviction,talent,certainty,wisdom,kno wledge and attitude of contemporary artist Antonio Pessoa and his increasing power to create.Soul Fire! Years ago,breaking free of his old patterns,Pessoa grabs the attention of a wide audience,not only becoming a life guru,but what's really at stake and most importantly,coming up with an impressive cutting edge abstract(neo- surrealistic) series which visual effects succeed to take the viewer beyond pseudo-intelectual reason (or confusion)...straight high up into the universe of ultimate emotional ecstasy. Antonio Pessoa is much talked about nowadays but how many of us have really understood him,his message and his Oeuvre to put him once and for all in the reputable world of the Great Masters? Obviously many,however the future is just about to surprise us far beyond our expectations with a new exciting movie about the Masterpiece of a Genius,which script is inevitably in the complex but enthusiastic process of being written. An Art Expert,an artist or a Life Guru? That's the ultimate question concerning Pessoa's top priorities,as the world goes round and round and time eventually goes by. Knowing the artist as we know,even so,the secret and the mystery is ultimately for him to know and for all of us to find out.However,one thing is true,Antonio Pessoa and his unique capacity to relax,and in so doing just letting go,more than remarkable,is a well developed skill he uses and commands,a quality so intimate that even his willingness to share,oftentimes is not enough when it comes to when many fans and clients,friends and art collectors want to know and learn the trick behind the Great Master of Reality. Art expression,international language as it is and must be,knows its limits,the abstract message inevitably subjective,ambiguous as visual poetry. The whole deep truth about this mysterious and unique man,can only be felt through intuitive interpretation,even when effective communication and world wide web information about his Art and Life,concentrate the efforts in providing the public with as clear as possible reviews and news tips in order to let out in the open the big riddle of the artist's inner self and private life. One way or another,for the artist there is one unquestionable issue.Always! The time to magically open up is Now. Labelled as Soul Fire,energy,love,action and creativity,these are the elements involved in achieving abundance in Art and Life,while Pessoa,the Master of Wisdom trusts the universal time,the universal principles and laws and the perfect alignment to simply afford pleasurably work,live,enjoy anf letting go. Yes,Belief underlies the whole process.The belief that there are no other options but to know exactly how to accomplish whatever is on his mind,whatever is on his list,whatever is burning on his soul.An excellent equation,a brilliant combination. However,how it all comes about is still an awesome miracle to many. No Miracle,whatsoever.It's all about Soul Fire and inspired action. Antonio Pessoa's intuition tells him his thinking mind where to look next,what to do next,and what to paint next. It's a very exciting intuitive and personal issue-unquestionably a very exciting way of living - between the artist and his feelings.He trusts his feelings and feelings don't lie. More than Soul Fire,what's really at stake and what we are really talking about is the artist's reknown intuition and it sure works.Voilà! No problem can withstand the onslaught of persistent thought.That's the magical place where Antonio Pessoa's imagination meets reality.This impressive structure - the artist makes his starting point for whatever he is up to - that's after all his ultimate conclusion and awareness of being blessed with a super computer more powerful than any other computer on this planet.His Mind! An artist who lets nothing stand in the way of his Vision agreed. Pessoa hit a nerve with the masses.Is it because art collectors so desperately want more new-unique references they can buy and exhibit in their art collections?Or maybe the need goes much deeper.Maybe the whole Art Scene community want to understand whatever it is that is happening with the artist's exciting New Art and obviously with his rather mysterious private life and whereabouts...when after all that has been written it's easy to conclude that it's all a question of quality metaphysics and personal options. The latest Art and Life news speak about the artist's intensive self-actualization as one of the highest levels he has reached in the past eight years,which includes being independent of the worldwide Art Scene racing competition,which means being detached from creating Art and living a life ruled by fake principles,fashion,average tendencies and most importantly by a global definition of what's quality Art or not. And this is where another distinction needs to be made.The true facts is that Pessoa invariably believes that making Art with the purpose of wealth,fame and even power is ultimately a load of crap and absolutely out of question . In other words,on the other hand and in the meantime,Antonio Pessoa's Art and Life is meant for a higher spiritual purpose,where everything fits,and everything makes perfect sense,which is his substantial requirement for staying seriously and also professionally present in today's contemporary Art Scene,in the exciting process of a New Art Vision and a joyful inner life best spirit to go with. Dreaming big dreams,Antonio Pessoa lets his Soul Fire excite greater passions and make them align with a higher purpose.Simply what he loves to do. Incresingly honest and systematically capturing the essence of his inner self-versus- "reality",a particular area of priority interests,tastes,favorites,vocations,models and desires,lead him to a magnificent universe of today-here-right now world of abundance,images and sounds,ideas and unique concepts,being added to the map of his Art and Life as branching lines from the world within,expressed through Fine Art to the world out there. Having captured the Mind and Soul's keynotes and keywords of the ultimate guide which is self - consciousness and global awareness,beyond appearances and fake illusions,the artist has no more doubts that Art and Life can actually be programmed to expect real and virtual results and amazing outcomes,that only absolute command of destiny can provide and make possible. That's How,When and Where,all the linkage fit together as an endless universe of multiple striking possibilities all involved in creating a wonderful context - equation of Art and Living. Definitely,for the artist there's no other option but to go forward,share his ideas with others,follow his beliefs and be rewarded knowing that his fellow artists,friends and obviously himself,can easily carry the world before them. The Art Scene is irrelevant at this point of extreme freedom and healthy detachment. Day by day as he goes on ( despite obstacles,resistance,adversity and setbacks...),his life gains momentum,as his artistic inspiration deepens,as his reputation crystallizes,the public gains understanding and art collectors come to realize that Antonio Pessoa's Oeuvre is no random pile of colors,studio tricks or special effects,but a visual living description inspired by a new light,a new force,a solid confidence and a greater power each day. Pessoa makes absolutely clear,that Art and Life is the Mirror of the creative Mind,and all experiences in Art and Life are the result of positive predominant mental attitude. This is the fantastic beauty and power of the world within,a world Antonio Pessoa explores and expresses through contemporary Fine Art,always the best of everything he has to show and share with all of us from all over the planet.

dinsdag 21 oktober 2008

Passion Play

Antonio Pessoa

Passion Play

By the time you finish reading this article,you'll discover Antonio Pessoa's secret to reaching the peak Art and Life performance level. This secret at this point of his life is responsible for generating successful gigantic projects and innovative amazing artistic concepts,each and everyday. So what's the contemporary Great Master's mindset that makes his Art and Life route extremely easy? This question has been reviewed over and over again and the multiple rewarding results in the artist's life ,that's all one needs to accept the fact that after all it's a matter of positive attitude and his supreme master key,imagination.On the whole,his most important thinking is his infinite beliefs that everything is possible. This Passion automatically sets his creative juices in motion and effective action to play right here and right on time the ultimate role,where invention is the light bulb,Pessoa's magical inner device which connects him anywhere,anytime with the universe of multiple possibilities and opportunities,making way for for him and his team to actually live an exciting and rewarding experience everyday. Antonio Pessoa's Passion-mindset has brought him the lifestyle of perfect abundance he is living and sharing with his friends,co-workers and public,feeling how wonderful it is and it feels to make Art and enjoy life his way and doing the things he desires and is so passionate about. The artist quality mindset keeps brightening his outlook,raising his emotions,and increasingly allowing him to be more and more the magnet,mentor and model to artists and public,and in so doing also allowing them to experience the many benefits of how easy it is to skyrocket Art and Life,just by unleashing the power within,with Passion,joy,excitement,ready to step on the stage and play! The artist's method to attract this New World of infinite possibilities,in Art and Life,has become a Must - much asked for - magical combination of wise steps and master key attitudes. Realistic or not,he may even imagine to walk on water as he splashes colors onto the canvas,even walking on the moon,once he decides it's possible. This analysis of the artist's Passion Play,is brutally applied,as his fulfilling consciousness of his strong points and talents become a clears vision ready for action and interactive communication,as he marks his place in his progress and throughout the process. By creating a dynamic environment with all the elements and features of improvement,to actually provide him with this great emotional payoff. Not like in the movies,but like in real life. The value of this method is once again the power of Passion,something to aim for,a direction in his studio performance and social-professional life. Antonio Pessoa's absolute awareness of how vital Passion is to increase not only his artistic productivity but equally important and very specific concrete pictures of what he really wants to express,communicate,share,where he wants to go and how he wants his life and Oeuvre to be...has made him actually wind up here,playing with passion for fun rather than perfectionism,systematically adjusting along the way,by learning new information and the real feedback he is systematically receiving. This method also includes a daily focused mental visualization,where art performance is a researching process of doing it over and over again,making the picture bigger,the expression- communication more vivid,animated and life absolutely three dimensional. Focused on this exciting process rather than the outcome,Pessoa,the artist,the inventor,the contemporary Great Marter,the Art Expert and definitely the great communicator,covers his favorite topics,such as devoted art studio performance,mindset-attitude skills and most importantly always aiming at living a happier and more positive life. Antonio Pessoa,a professional art veteran since the mid 80's,can be assumed as the paradigmatic self-made man-artist,having learned the tweaks and tricks and extra tutorials of the art business as time went by,and as his artistic skills skyrocketed to an extreme high level quality. Ultimately,Pessoa seems to be a living revival of the twentieth century's Modern Great Masters singularity,independent minded and similarly commited to create something (...anything !) greater than himself. Absolutely aware of the idea that for everything,for every situation,and for every opening night or art business meeting,there is a Best Solution,he has developed this surgical urgency to always perform at his fullest potential,the result of an experienced individual in the art business for quite a length of time now,who knows and has it in his system for good that ultimately the best education is when one has learned,experienced the real world,and gained from it. Definitely a contemporary artist and an art business man fully equipped,fully trained and pragmatically capable. No wonder that Passion and Action is always a definite part of his life,a life that talks about emotional intelligence,law of attraction,but also inevitably about fixing problems,and look good in a dimension called Art Scene,a complex city with so many avenues these days that those unexperienced emerging artists might as well find themselves in a burning hell of a jungle. In a world of art galleries online,online art dealers,online artists and even online art a world of newspapers,magazines,television,radio,brochures and flyers,emails,internet marketing,web sites,search engines and cell phones,Antonio Pessoa,the great communicator loves the customer and the public,to such an extent,that his Passion,Action,Fair Play,Know-How and mindset,is a combination ablaze which plays for the best in quality Art,systematically checking out new ways of expression,information,ideas,while increasing his knowledge and providing exciting enough resources that any art gallery owner,art dealer,art collector,would be interested in.And the good news report that they actually are! Another day,day after day staying in the present,focusing on the tastes of Art and Life,sounds,emotions,ideas,projects,dreams and other impressions from this exciting experience of living life the creative way.Antonio Pessoa's default mode is to hang in his intimate triumph,his popular easy going way,spending his time BEING rather than DOING. And the research goes on,delicious moments to acknowledge and appreciate the wonders of other fellow artists work. This time,inspired and motivated to explore Artlease galerie - Kunstuitleen,Utrecht,nl,Pessoa sees an excellent example immediately as he stumbles upon artists such as Ad Arma,Antony de Baat,Jan van Diemen,Jelis van Dolderen,Chris Buursen and also Baldin,just to mention some. This research ritual,is a powerful one,for Pessoa believes profoundly that observation precedes all quality creativity,and hence,creative energy follows this exciting process of being guided by the best of what's being accomplished worldwide in the universe of abstract contemporary art. Wisely represented by Artlease Galerie, Ad Arma surprises Antonio Pessoa by his original selection of paintings,sculptures and etchings,showing a solid foundation of impactful motion through unique color sequences and combinations,which visual results,while incredibly enigmatic,follow a defined path however generating a personal interpretation,even a challenging vacuum,infinitely relaxing,as time slips by,time goes but the visual alignment remain in our senses in a state of eternity. Artlease is thereby infinitely blessed by having Ad Arma among his art collection of quality contemporary artists. Antonio Pessoa very probably finds in Ad Arma the same pure intentions he currently believes in as the high magic of art expression at its very best,assisting and awakening a new consciousness to nurture the process of growth and unfoldment of pure spontaneous metaphysical contemporary expression. One of the best reasons for visiting Artlease on a regular basis,Ad Arma definitely reveals a fulfilling virtual-visual-conceptual and very personal prophesy,which is a compulsory Must. Public,art gallery owners,art collectors,are like Art.They want to be understood. You can almost hear art collectors whispering "You don't even know me " or maybe something like " You're not listening to me",or even, "You're not feeling me"! When are these situations supposed to be resolved once and for all? That's where Antonio Pessoa-the great communicator- comes in. He doesn't waste his time on the false assumptions that the artist is the one to be understood,so therefore his talent for understanding the art collectors true motivational sources,has added amazing response results and made them align with his Oeuvre and worldwide reputation,as one of the few living artists empowered to think differently through connecting the situation with new visions,self- assurance and no wonder this winning attitude has inevitably brought him all positive outcomes. So, after putting this information together,built on ethical and moral standards,Pessoa has established a set of cutting edge rules to play by,marking his highest new starting points for the actions he takes,including inevitably,art studio performance at his very best. Lucky Stars- Passion Play,this is a major challenge for contemporary artist Antonio Pessoa. Although the New Age-New Era art space created in that Contemporary Fine Art model and universe provided the area that he needed to be able to stand up and allow himself to be energetically creative and systematically aiming at further action and global communication... Needless to say that his powerful feelings of having already accomplished a dynamic art-social- time-zone that supports his passion and most importantly his focused desire to celebrate Art and Life with impactful enthusiasm,leads him to choosing to look continuously forward to new experiences to discover and adopt a broader perspective in order to rise above the level of average,meaning,to rise above of the tasks already accomplished and completed. While working from his Home-Studio ( wherever it might be,depending of the year seasons or his moods ) - one of Pessoa's most relevant advantages is living the Big Dream come true,and for so many people working with him,from art critics to web designers,from internet marketers to private biographers,from frelancer art dealers to other artists who come regularly to his studio to learn the latest dancing steps to take right away to boost their art performance and much more... That's how many great beliefs did actually change his life,from the local artist of ten years ago today,and the life of the driving energy of CAN,attracting things,people and rewarding situations to support him and his Oeuvre in having the reputation he-it deserves. It is here,it's Antonio Pessoa's daily life where Passion plays the ultimate role to break through and win,where Passion makes all the difference between average and creative uniqueness. Pessoa's latest paintings are inevitably the perception and representation of emotional intensity. The artist's astounding capacity to articulate shapes by juxtaposing surfaces of different colors,symbolic shapes and various points of perspective,make Antonio Pessoa - Contemporary Fine Art series highly subjective ( and very pleasant to the eye ),even creating in the viewer,perceptual psychological effects,however abstract and sometimes,shall we say,neo- surrealistic,the symbolical meanings form a harmony,even a melody with different optional contexts to it. That's why the esthetical value of artists like Jelis van Dolderen,Baldin,Chris Buursen,Antony de Baat and of course Ad Arma,inspires and stimulates Pessoa's sense of freedom of movement and the abstract beauty of this fantastic flow of energy. Incorporated in the great criteria of Artlease Galerie,these fellow artists provide Pessoa with an accurate stylization of the New World of New Art and beyond. With the power of Passion,Antonio Pessoa plays to win,while getting what he wants.This secret weapon is the artist's charisma,the personal power and attractiveness that enables him to be self-motivated on a around the clock basis,blessed by how he gets inspired to suggest new artistic options and innovative formulas and how he uses his natural influence to network with the right people. One of Pessoa's most relevant elements is Presence as his commanding quality,wherever he is,wherever he goes,even when he is nowhere to be seen. His unique style to stand out and be different in a positive and striking way. A prestigious person accustomed to being in high social circles,Pessoa is never - however "star-struck",simply because his aura of charisma is pure instinct,perception and intuition oriented,working to his advantage as a natural law. To interpret Pessoa's Art and Life,after all has little or nothing with Lucky Stars,however a subtle though rock-solid combination of skills and multiple talents,is more likely to be a reliable source in order to understand the artist's natural involvement in the very best,supreme and excellent that life can bring. Antonio Pessoa's fantastic team,marketing his Art and Life News to millions all over the world,has become a successful operation,with a very important trait in common. They know what they want,what they are promoting,the message in which they invariably believe in,they know the Art Scene world,they know where they are heading to,aiming at,they know what they want to accomplish . This one-on-many communication process,provides the artist with enough valuable time to be totally focused on his art studio performance,in his Home-Studio,his favorite place and art his ultimate exciting passion and devotion. The rule of Antonio Pessoa's dynamic team,is simply the complex task of reaching a large audience of potential art collectors worldwide,and public in general,educated and genuinely interested in high-quality Art. So,dear art lovers,do please,close your eyes and see clearly. Close your eyes and see the title Antonio Pessoa - Contemporary Fine Art written in the sky. What size are the letters? Yes.Larger than life. The size of his Passion. The quality content of his Play...and... The cutting edge possibilities of his Oeuvre!

donderdag 16 oktober 2008

Art Life

Antonio Pessoa

Art Life

As a contemporary abstract , neo-surrealistic artist,Antonio Pessoa has long come to the ultimate conclusion that emotions - and very particularly emotional addictions - is one of those issues he must and is aware all the time. Understanding this emotional science and complex universe,he soon began to recognize how he could create specific situations on canvas,on watercolor paper and even in his personal and professional life,once he had systematic and absolute control upon his infinite emotional spinning wheel. Art becomes what the artist focus on. This Cause and Effect systematic process,is actually Pessoa's ultimate comfort zone,for the young millionaire has long come to the lucky realization that by being a Star among the Universe of shimmering stars in the art scene Planet,has cheerfully dictated all the happy situations he is now living and sharing,painting and spreading the concept around. The Law of Attraction is a very powerful law that Antonio Pessoa masters and uses to make huge changes in his life and in his co-workers team's life,Art and everything,you name it. As a matter of fact,talking about Antonio Pessoa Contemporary Fine Art is talking and getting fully involved in the universal principles of the Law of Attraction. Moreover,Pessoa has become a Law of Attraction guru,a very solid reputation now,specially among other young fellow artists and the ones who are closer,directly related or even sharing the artist's daily private life. There's no doubt by now,that the Contemporary Great Master influences effortlessly the direction of his Life,with similar power he uses to create,paint,draw and communicate. He became Free,with Free and finds his greatness for free. He can change his Life and his closest friends lives completely. Isn't that wonderful?Yes,it is. And the New Age artist does it in a totally different and amazing way. He plays strictly by the rules.By the Law of Attraction's rules. And yoy may ask,"What has this got to do with Art Life?" Let's take a look. Antonio Pessoa's Art Life and professional career has been going through enough ups and downs for he has experienced enough dips in self- confidence from time to time,specially when things,including unspeakable love affairs (...and there were many !!! ) didn't quite go how he would like. In most of those situations he had the choice to stay down or to bounce back up. He always took the last option inevitably. So Art Life followed the road of success as many times before.Pessoa made it easy by telling himself it was easy.He made it easy by embracing action.And this wise combination of positive thoughts made him adopt the full commitment of Art and Life as the ultimate supreme formula,where the rewarding results became more and more abundant,greater and greater,as his ability to communicate effectively through art expression and in real life also became one of his most important skills till today's times when people-public is able to take,digest and understand his message in the simplest ways. Creativity is definitely the beggining of achieving a high level of greatness not only in Art but also in Life. Antonio Pessoa is fully aware that most great things,in Art and in Life start with a good idea that was nurtured to grow into something grand. Therefore,the artist's essential daily priority has long become an intensive passionate process of growing to be the best that he can be.Be the best,to artistically express the best,become the paradigmatic lifestyle model in today's art scene,in his amazing uniqueness,and from then,give the best to others,namely public,art collectors and a whole huge worldwide community of intelligent people,open to new concepts of Art,open to new concepts of Living. If Imagination,is one of Pessoa's natural gifts,Faith is present in exact proportion to excitement in Life,when optimism becomes prominent,and the rewarding emotional fulfillment an omnipresent reality. Wisdom and Knowledge,Art and Life. Life is viewed from within and Art is the perseverance of always go fot the gold. Lucky Stars,the striking universe in which Pessoa's life floats and flows,can be seen ,understood and ultimately accepted as the result of the different wise choices he has been making along the way and very particularly these past few years,by bravely deciding to take the Road Less Traveled. Suddenly he is absolutely sure of how life is full of so many choices and opportunities and how wonderful and rewarding is to hold the key to each door that he chooses to open. Lucky Stars,Art and Life,The Road Less Traveled defines the artist,who when faced with adversity,hardship and change,responds with courage,confidence and charisma. This powerful combination of positive elements,is after all the fuel that ignite Pessoa's fire and burning desire for current and futur accomplishments,in Art and Life. MIND POWER - Even before the explosion of Revolutionary Neuroscience Research discoveries of the last few years,Antonio Pessoa was already so very seriously excited about all information about Mind Power,totally motivated to use these tools and techniques to reprogram the Mind to achievements of all sorts in all areas,from his personal life to artistic performance,from social life to business effective communication. The fantastic results soon proved to be surprising ones,some of them even beyond his wildest dreams by then,providing him with the happy,amazing and magical world of Life and Art,he has been enjoying and making the most of it for the past six years now. And obviously the most exciting consequence of this intensive research,was the unexpected great enhancement and marvelous switch in his art style,by coming up with talented new visual advances,an amazing and unique combination between Abstract Modern Art and shocking Contemporary neo-Surrealism. Mind Power facts!Art Power action! Pessoa may have just discovered a new visual arts language which has been keeping an emotionally excited expert public systematically looking forward for more and even better. Always based on the concept "Do what you Love and the Lucky Stars will shine",Pessoa's leads his life and work with his traditional unbreakable excitement,in spite of the setbacks that now and then,maybe on a weekly basis,maybe even on a daily basis,he has to face,deal with and overcome,one way or another they just can't succeed to break his energized commitment. And that's always when Mind Power comes in,to provide him with this special alignment between the interests,passions,dreams and values he holds and the work he does,once again explaining his established reputation as a unique artist,a creative individual who always manages to find and feel satisfaction and intense desire to take action with the great profile of his great attitudes. Theoretical,utilitarian,aesthetic,social,individua listic and traditional. Antonio Pessoa's Mind Power is about his skills to control his own destiny,based on what he believes to be the best system for living.Art and Life! It may be possibly believed that a number of artists are more fortunate than others. And despite the fact that this is unlikely true,you may perhaps disagree that these are proofs,in fact ,living proofs of the Cinderella stories. To there days contemporary artist Antonio Pessoa,who started from the scratch since his teen adventurous days in Amsterdam,Nederland,actually pushed himself to his limits just to make the most and the very best of his life and art performance. What are we talking about?Lucky Stars?That might be a good headline,however not what's actually at stake. Mind Power,is definitely Pessoa's ultimate secret and the only logical explanation for this great achievements in Visual Arts and the exciting lifestyle he is now pleasurably leading. Proper mind set to make the best of everything,passion to excel,conviction to carry on,humility to accept feedback and pride to sustain his personal beliefs. Purpose in life,Knowledge,Imagination and Big Dreams. This thought mechanism,this power to think,dream and come up with cutting edge ideas in every area of his life and art performance,is after all just the outlook getting ready for reality,when it all residues down to one simple fact,which is Action. And precisely this powerful action is the force which turns Antonio Pessoa into one of the most unique and creative contemporary artists in today's art scene,whatever that means. Impossible solutions,quickly become possible solutions,when action means now and the true secret is simply Mind Power abundance and effective inspired action. Pessoa's peace and poise improves as time goes by,as art performance accomplishes the amazing improvement and his communication skills bring about the almost impossible,while little-by- little the flowers of abundance bloom in his heart,in his life and in his art. And the results is that indeed the natural law of momentum is pushing his achievements faster and farther,with soft but solid strides of advancement toward new experiences to paint,to express and share! LIFESTYLE - As a direct result of knowing where to put his talent,imagination and efforts,Antonio Pessoa's lifestyle became a pursuing personal success,well being and new artistic-aesthetic research fascinating process . If the Art Scene road is full of obstacles and set-backs,well that doesn't seem to affect the artist's inner peace,as he sticks to his own special secrets of how to live and let live,how to paint and let it flow,however holding on to his priorities in life and Art and heading forward without ever looking back. Positive thinking and enthusiasm,seems to be his ultimate formula-combination which inner motivation comes right out of his bright nature,his focused outlook and his ever present persistent attitude. Working smart rather than hard,and wisely surrounding himself with supporting and creative people from all over the world,Pessoa,s lifestyle manages to show us how to think,how to work,how to live and play and most importantly how to achieve our wildest dreams. During the making of his contemporary Fine Art series,Antonio Pessoa observes the ongoing art scene,with the traditional humilty of all Great Masters when it comes to follow his fellow artists work. In this universe of new references,Pessoa systematically puts his researching attention in artists such as Anne van Borselen,Harrie Gerritz and Jan Hofman - galerie Ann's Art,Groningen,Nederland - where he finds obvious relations,in style,color,subject,medium and very specifically in expression. Interesting works by Anne van Borselen,such as "Liquid days",Monkey Town","De Pyreneen II " and "Sun in your eyes"... grabs Pessoa's curiosity,making him feel in his natural comfort zone,before artworks of such impactful caliber as Anne Borselen. Galerie Ann's Art becomes one of the artist's european favorite art spaces,where he finds what he has very probably already discovered,nevertheless can't help feeling supported to see other artists with similar tendencies. Doing the things that make him feel good,Antonio Pessoa's lifestyle and art performance,have become a powerful experience and a unique example for emerging artists and worldwide art lovers community. Antonio Pessoa Contemporary Fine Art and New Drawings Art Collection,more than a paradigmatic incredible combination of truly amazing results,is a trustworthy reflector of the artist's latest inner changes. Since the Romantic Period days during which artists such as Xaime Quessada,Eugenio Granall plus his fellow artists such as José Maria Barreiro,Rafael Freijeiro,Trini Barreiro,Rita Pessanha and Rufino Peral,talented people who one way or another had more or less influence in his Oeuvre,Plástica Gallega oriented,1997-2002,when Arte Alpide,Galeria Monteblanco,Galeria Dorian,were the go-betweens artist-art collectors- media -public ,Pessoa has gone through a significant amount of changes,first concerning his outlook of life -inner emotional intelligence , selfgrowth period and then inevitably in his Oeuvre to the point where he is now,in which galleries such as Arte Manz,still manage to take him home to pay special attention to contemporary artists such as Anton Patiño,Jorge Cabezas,Hanoos,Pablo Orza and Alfonso Costa. Strange as it seems,Arte Manz,Coruña,northern Spain west coast,manages to inspire Pessoa's hot- spicy contemporary chemistry with Galicia's new artists refreshing ingredients,in the same exact proportion as Harry Wolfkamp( for instance ),represented by the high quality criteria of Kunstbureau ARTeria on the other side of Europe,to be more precise,Dwingeloo,Holland,seems to be another Antonio Pessoa's favorites in this amazing over populated ongoing interactive and eclectic universe of today's art scene. Even less interesting artists such as Arjan van Arendonk,Klaartje Pander and Josephine Wortelboer,are good enough reasons for Pessoa's systematic visits to Kunstbureau ARTeria,throughout his almost religious daily new emerging talents research. Now that Antonio Pessoa is on the right track realizing that contemporary art is filled with infinite possibilities,aware that he has reached a high level power to create whatever he chooses to,the Plástica Gallega old fashioned reality,concepts and outlook of art,begins to change his feelings about artists that years ago,he used as local important references ,however,not anymore. One of these names is Rufino Peral,represented by Arte Alpide,and still stuck to the same old color combinations,the same old special effects and the same old cubism - or neo- cubism - despite the useless effort of some local pseudo art critics who claim Rufino Peral and his wall art same old stuff have Pop Art influences or even surrealistic suggestions. Rufino Peral shows us his latest paintings such as "El Berbés",nothing much than a blurred something,and a canvas titled "Expresionismo"in which artist Rufino Peral,despite his not so bad technicall skills,doesn't seem to succeed establishing a proportion between the title and the poor visual results. Antonio Pessoa,more than an artist,a true art expert,admits Arte Alpide has nevertheless a whole stock of high quality art,limited to the Plástica Gallega limited options,however managing to represent reputable Great Masters,such as Xaime Quessada,Laxeiro,Jorge Castillo and José Lodeiro. Talking about contemporary Plástica Gallega,Pessoa is now unquestionably far more interested in artists such as Rafael Alonso,Novoa and even the young emerging artist Joaquin Balsa. Next thing he knows,Antonio Pessoa feels that the current Plástica Gallega,has little to offer him as innovative references,let alone as cutting edge influences,like an old fashioned deja vu Artipedia,without giving clear signals of moving forwaed into the infinite possibilities of new contemporary art where only a highly creative imagination can actually manage to come up with what public,art lovers,and art collectors are right now looking for and eagerly expecting to find and ultimately buy. Cutting edge visual concepts,and new ways of New Art,expressing a new outlook of reality,poetry and aesthetic chemistry. These winds of changes took Pessoa to finding and living the dream and the lifestyle,only self discovery,self assessment and personal development can achieve.What is the secret after all,people keep on asking because they want to know. I would say Antonio Pessoa's secret is actually quite simple.He is brutally honest with himself,a Must key to complete the process to make a Masterpiece out of his life. This issue of brilliance is also an issue of perseverance,the most enjoyable project and the best rewarding in many ways. Looking at the impact his reputable lifestyle and Oeuvre is having among the public,we have to bear in mind however,that all these amazing results in all areas,speaks specifically of his Mind Power,actually rather than Lucky Stars,oftentimes through complex processes of intensive self-growth and solid determination,and let me reassure you that it is in these times of trial that the artist's greatness keeps on rising to the top. Also it's during these times of multiple frequencies and daring challenges that Pessoa finds much of his inspiration in simplicity,like in the artworks of one of his current favorite artists,Christel Hermann - represented by Galerie Jean-Marc Laik - ,an art space where talented people such as Sabine Fernkorn,Viorel Chirea,Tita de Rêgo Silva and Edith Sturde,obviously succeed to entertain Pessoa's genuine interest,specially these days when abstract contemporary art seems to be his most reliable reference as the best style to express his feelings and personal opinions. Systematically establishing what quality Art is all about for him,and always wanting to get better as an artist,Antonio Pessoa this time gets pleasurably motivated by Galerie Jean-Marc Laik's excellent selection of emerging quality artists such as Tita de Rêgo Silva,Viorel Chirea,Edith Sturde and very particularly,Sabrine Fernkorn. Antonio Pessoa's fabulous view of today's art scene,provide him with the very best of the surrounding contemporary references he loves to share as he climbs to the top of his artistic journey. Pessoa finds his passion with a little help from his fellow artists,working new ideas and visual concepts,making them better and definitely excelling as the Great Master we all have to admit he is indeed. Assuming the position of overseer,Antonio Pessoa takes total responsibility and becomes the driving force behind his collaborators team,behind the mission,before the challenge,behind the project. After all it is his insight,his grasp of the situations that becomes the ultimate motivation for the ones who work with him,deal with him,,do business with him,believe in his Art and in his innovative concepts. Also Pessoa's artistic development is systematically elevated by embracing the quality consistencies of many of his fellow artists worldwide,he has a particular interest and in some punctual obvious cases even a very specific passion for. This principle of current adaptability to the art scene's surroundings,fit and become an inspiration for every situations in the productive privacy of his art studio as art performance takes place and once again it's action time. This hearfelt meaningful relationship opens up to another connection,this time with Galerie Artitude ( Nijmejen,Nederland) where the nature of some of his represented artists sustains Antonio Pessoa's genuine interest. Ultimately,Galerie Artitude (Nijmejen,nl) provides Pessoa with a selection of abstract artists,who actually fill him with a lot of ideas and great conceptual art approaches,which are thereby applied to his daily art studio activities. Artists such as Ger Lataster,emphasizes Pessoa's outlook of contemporary art expression,definitely delivered with the similar dynamic color combinations he is so fond of,that formula almost reaching perfection in abstract style and making perfect sense. Robert Terwindt(who can also be found at Galerie Artitude), although basically figurative,succeeds to grab Antonio Pessoa's attention,mainly for the ambiguous ambience as in Eclipss-Asap where the underlines of visual poetry are far more important than what seems apparently obvious. Also "Three of a Kind",three screenprints by Theo Elfink,Suen Hoekstra and of course Robert Terwindt,offers Pessoa that very special possibility and opportunity of full satisfaction,by discovering that the inspirational idea for this painterly compositions,is in large measure the same essence of his current impactful contemporary series. With the amazing information being presented by Galerie Artitude,Antonio Pessoa goes on focusing his observant attention on Marie-José Robben,another artist whose exuberant artworks excite Pessoa's imagination,making him want to explore everything there is to know about this talented woman,who translates with great skills visions and emotions into excellent abstract contemporary visual arts. Galerie Artitude also provides Pessoa with another reference artist,Jef Diederen,showing the sort of original concepts actually in a very similar line Pessoa has adopted as his latest style. It's really very simple,almost two choices in one,Jef Diederen - Antonio Pessoa,two of a kind strategies for contemporary abstract art expression,frantically amazing,while acting as in real time studio action,today,here and now,instead of letting the canvases collect dust. Two artists following similar concepts in one or more ideas of the very best of today's contemporary abstract wall art. Anyway,one way or another,meaning definitely,Antonio Pessoa's Lifestyle is an exciting,daring,systematic,breaking out of his comfort zone,feeling just fine to develop his core competencies,ans as the reputable dynamic artist,thinker and leader he is,he knows how to manage and maintain a list of new challenges to tackle. If modeling the Greats will revitalize anyone,then modeling Pessoa's Lifestyle and everything it involves,is upgrading your mastery in many areas,from re-inventing Art and Life to build upon new and exciting methods. Practice,Practice,Practice,that's what Antonio Pessoa's life is all about.And that's when learning leads to magnificent mastery. Coaching others as he grows,and in so doing empowerment is mutual and sharing leads to a more rewarding and satisfying win-win outcome. The artist's ability,capacity and skills to perceive,assess and manage his emotions is actually the way in which he interacts with people and public and how he relates to the world and how all this combination reflects on what he paints,and how he takes total responsibility when it comes to rely on himself to live and make the most of an exciting and creative Lifestyle!

Life News

Antonio Pessoa

Life News

Belief is a fundamental emotion required for achieving anything in Life,including personal success.So,what's next? Breaking down what he wants to accomplish,into incremental actions,artist and Art Expert Antonio Pessoa,takes each day to get him and his worldwide collaborators team exactly just where they want to go. These are today's Pessoa's main Life News,where the Phoenix Effect is providing him with far more innovation,than talent,creativity or necessity combined. The artist's capacity to get back and start all over again from the scratch and to begin once again,now more intelligently,as new opportinities to make himself better,review and move- on,adopting new alternative plans (Ibiza?) new productive solutions ( well off and far away from the rat race) and fresh points of views(obviously including a one million dollars house overlooking the mediterranean sea in Santa Eulalia,Ibiza). Well,this eventually sounds like plain common sense,but like they say,Common Sense isn't Common! Today,Antonio Pessoa - Life News are quite exciting to say the least and go into aspects of great self-growth,impossible dreams the artist knows how to make come true,and the know-how to stay positive,on the road to more quality art,Life Supreme and personal victory. Ferociously persistent,the artist shows us systematically how to turn adversity into personal character,and personal character into a wonderful reality. While Pessoa takes his daily steps to overachieving in Art,Life and worldwide communication,the Art Expert understands and helps other artists and friends to achieve his dreams and visions,as he systematically observes the world art scene,purposefully out of the anxiety zone,however joining and sharing the on- going innovative perspectives and tendencies. Living and painting in different Home- Studios,mainly in sunny southern Europe,Antonio Pessoa goes from time to time back to Galicia,as if this corner of the world were still his cultural-social base,headquarters.It isn't anymore,however,an important place where he still is able to find relevant references within his circle of friends,art dealers and inevitably in art galleries and artists he admires and make them count in his wide universe of contacts and New Art. Useless to mention Jaime Trigo - Centro de Arte,where it seems only Alfonso Abelenda,Xavier Correa Corredoira and not much more wothwhile, and worth his focused observant art research,however,Galeria Arte Vilaseco (Coruña) surprises the artist with talented people such as Antón Lamazares Silva,who manages to explore simple subjects with basically simple colors,Tierra Siena compositions,pleasant to the eye and challenging the Plástica Gallega old fashioned patterns,way in into the future and innovative contemporary art. Following Antonio Pessoa's criteria,once again this time as the eloquent Art Expert and art critic he is,Galeria Ana Vilaseco,despite its mediocre selection of photography has succeeded to represent artists like Lucio Muñoz,Antonio Murado and the fascinating Leopoldo Nóvoa. The wise choices taken by Galeria Ana Vilaseco,by adopting these three quality reknown artists,actually helps to provide Antonio Pessoa with a new hopeful vision of the contemporary Plástica Gallega,which despite having been an important source of relevant references ten years ago,would have turned into an obsolete anti- progress culture,if it wasn't for art galleries with open eyes to the world,New Millennium art vision,such as Galeria Vilaseco,Coruña,another art space who helps to take Galicia and the so called Plástica Gallega into the dimension of the very best of today's contemporary art. Meantime,life goes on. One of Antonio Pessoa's fundamental principles,is the way he aproaches life with passion and intensity,thereby turbocharging the Universe to benefit him,his projects,Art and team ,in ways three years ago today they could never have imagined. Passion flames focused action,effective thought and inspired action bridges the gap between the spiritual and the physical,inevitably bound for positive outcomes. Like a laser beam,the contemporary artist's focused action in all areas he is involved in,concentrates his activity and energy in personal ways,which in turn accelerates his increasing amazing results. Pessoa has experienced too many times this magical chemistry,to know too well that passion opens the floodgates of creative inspiration.He develops one amazing idea after another,by being virtually passionate and excited about everything he loves the most,as his mind becomes a creative force that cannot be stopped. Divine Madness! Antonio Pessoa is meant to live a life amd paint the Masterpieces that impacts the world he lives in and the public he loves and shares it with. Becoming a worldknown artist,art expert and the great communicator,he is definitely here to make a difference,to leave his mark in History. He has learned to see the best in people and see reality beyond appearences in Art.That's his purpose in life. At the foundation of any accomplished studio performance lies the artist's ability to manage himself.His authentic self - that unique blend of physical,emotional,mental,spiritual and creative attitudes - is the instrument he has been given to express himself and offer the art community the brilliance that is also is reputation. That's his voice through contemporary Visual Arts,a dynamic combination of qualities all join to create a signature presence and a compelling influence. Jazz musicians talk about it as "swing",an indefinable feel of being in touch with the flow and in Pessoa's particular uniqueness his true essence as a New Art Great Master and inevitably as a remarkable human being. Antonio Pessoa delivers visual delight,and his passionate,talented Oeuvre is a gift we should celebrate together,because it's fun,because it's visual Jazz,because it's live and every new artwork is a new opportunity for all of us to experience and enjoy and definitely to decorate our walls. Cutting through the Art Scene jungle and clear his path to the top,is definitely the less appealing and unimportant challenge for an artist who believes and knows a great whole lot about the universal power of the Law of Attraction. Following his passion,that's his simple target for a lifetime,focus on it and act with imagination and pleasurable momentum,day in day out,step by step,while taking the time to meditate and breath deeply,feel,play and live with absolute joy. Suffice to say that Antonio Pessoa is right now increasingly convinced that the Law of Attraction is a law of nature,as real as gravity and the ultimate science and Art of putting it to good use in his life,responds to his positive energy,creative moods and larger than life emotions,as life simply mirrors them back to him,in a sense,and inevitably,getting to that high level point when everything makes perfect sense. That's why his life is a growing wonderful experience and his Art performance keeps on coming up with inventions which are the real conceptions of the power behind them. That's what Antonio Pessoa's Masterpiece project is all about and most of his Contemporary Art latest series. Emotions without excess,exciting projects to look forward too,the secret and the wisdom of choosing his inner circle wisely,letting go for it is much easier and rewarding that way,making important decisions after seeking wise council,networking with the art community,going under inevitable pressure slow and gentle and easy as he knows that's the way he must go,expecting and embracing change as it brings unexpected fulfilling experiences one more time,living everyday to its full potential,looking inward for happiness and to share it with others,taking time to count his blessings. That's how Pessoa becomes an increasing magnet,reclaiming his power through the Universe,his invisible secret,the new contemporary classics,absolutely alive,every single day on his way to deliberate creation,closer and closer to Divine Perfection. In order to better understand the approach that Pessoa takes in creating artistic sustainable change and interchanges,we should actually start by following the references that drive him through studio performance - art action,and thereby master absolute contemporary art vision. Gifted artists,are extraordinary influences for Antonio Pessoa to turn his potential into a systematic surprising Oeuvre,in his detached however exciting journey to artistic greatness. Practicing other artists potential,not only a good and wise choice to promote them,but basically a noble way to develop successful formulas and concepts in all areas of today's contemporary Visual Arts. Some of these motivational materials can be found at Galerie Erhard Witzel,where artists such as Valentin Hauri,Birgit Luxenburger and Josef Schwaiger encourage Antonio Pessoa to continue on to where he deserves to go and what he desires to accomplish. Galerie Erhard Witzel,among its somewhat eclectic selection of Art,grabs Pessoa's interest and attention first with Valentin Hauri's artworks,where minemal simplicity,motion and interesting color contrasts turn out to be not only pleasant to the eye but essentially stimulating to the viewers senses. Birgit Luxenburger is another interesting reference in Galerie Erhard Witzel,presenting very elegant acrylics,eclectic in color,however with a unique style,soft New Art - not precisely impactful - but on the other hand providing us with a relaxing ambience where our interpretation feels free and ready to fly across the skies of our flowing imagination. Marina Herrmann,also represented by Erhard Witzel,is-or so it seems- Antonio Pessoa's favorite in this particular art gallery located in Wiesbaden,Germany. Each of her paintings offers us several options,elaborated with great command of pure technical contemporary Fine Art,a great selection of visual possibilities,with literacy enough to be considered one of the best among Pessoa's today's art scene favorites. Also represented by Galerie Erhard Witzel - originally from Linz - artist Josef Schwaiger,is another profile worth mention in the Must list of Antonio Pessoa's contemporary new talents. The Art Expert,uses other resources expertise to master the high level quality Art he produces,getting better all the time,throughout his fast paced instant studio performance,where there's always so much to create and oftentimes so little time to streamline all his ideas in a concise way,however beyond the obvious,beyond the information available and definitely beyond the art lovers community expectations while a hungry public and a curious anxious art collectors audience try to figure out what's coming next and most importantly what's Antonio Pessoa currently really up to. When Antonio Pessoa divided himself in several separate identities - the itsy-bitsy clusters of imagination energy,being "the multiple roles he plays as creative inner alter egos" and the great big cluster of supreme energy,being Art - those itsy-bitsy clusters of energy didn't mutate into anything less than they had always been:Little pieces of a supreme Masterpiece.His Life! What goes around comes around,and that's been the basic starting point for the artist to master his life and studio performance,just by understanding the self-sufficient nature of the Universe he lives in,(we all live in... ) and the laws and principles which make him to be the unique artist and great communicator he has become,the very essence of who he is,in any place,on any level,in any time. And that's how Pessoa's Oeuvre became as infinite as the consciousness he created.Definitely that's what reliable general opinion mean by the Perfect Order of Antonio Pessoa's Life and Art Universe. Increasingly extremely creative in all areas ,Antonio Pessoa's view of the beautiful and boundless Universe of exciting and new possibilities,amazes friends,co- workers,biographers,art collectors and public at the options,insights and opportunities that are manifested while new ideas are brought to nourish the best Art being made in today's art scene. Pessoa settles down in the safe and positive place for him and his dreams. This place can be anywhere,wherever the artist decides to set the stage for his Home Studio for a certain period of time,Vigo,Ibiza,Manhattan,Barcelona...the art studio is always his daily hang out where he can strech his wings and fly,exploring his full potential and give life a new meaning,give life to those desires ready for inspired action,ready for the worldwide communication,reporting to the art lovers community the celebration of Art and Life,now an enthusiastic network to coutless contacts all over the world,all of them sharing with great joy the artist's cutting edge model and connecting with the New Age wonders. I can't stress enough the importance of Pessoa's true purpose in life.That special one- Lifestyle that fires his soul and passions.And Voilà! The next thing we know,we are meeting with a man and an artist who is indeed experiencing a total life transformation,by taking the only direction that guarantees him meeting with The Big Dream. The ultimate satisfaction. Living Life to its fullest potential and be a contemporary art enlightened communicator. Now you may ask.Is this a new fiction story?Is this a real magic performance?Or is this Antonio Pessoa's experiencing and enjoying all the wonderful features,filling to the full,the fulfillment of his precious and exciting life? Well,that's a whole lot more like it. Absolutely correct in the current context of the artist's physical and spiritual dimensions. The visibility is real and not an illusion.Pessoa's Life News reports that what's really happening is truly the space ( art studio ) the place of all multiple innovative possibilities within the realm of the artist's latest self-growth intensive experiences,a process in which he has decided it's up to him to further discover,uncover,and recover Life Supreme to its fullest potential,by continuously searching and researching with the rock-solid purpose to gather a body of knowledge,perception,intuition,,and to share with others this scientific consciousness capable of influencing Art to its highest level of quality and expression,a worldwide performance which more than original,natural,highly creative and interactive,an amazing gift available instantly and immediately to the wide world art lovers community. Predominantly,this has been,is,and shall be Antonio Pessoa's way. This has been the ultimate process when the artist skillfully changed the term "impossible" to "infinitely Possible", while he has inevitably become the ultimate cutting edge Art Maker,who is alive and living a life as lively as liveliness,in his own Universe that is installed with abundance,affluence,luxury,imagination,creative productivity and communication fruitfulness.

10 Years After

Antonio Pessoa

Ten Years After

Ten years after the edition of The Black and White album,Antonio Pessoa starts a new collection of drawings,equipped with a new power of composition,a greater and better personality,a new contemporary visual arts purpose and a new ability to express a new artistic profile,providing the viewer with a new opportunnity to enjoy art's beauty and wonder. Taking advantage of this wonderful progress,Pessoa comes up with a high quality of drawing harmony,with a new splendor of invention,and innovative methods of visual accelerated motions. To say Black and White is back again is to say the least,for his wisdom of choice by cultivating once again one of his most distinguishing artistic charateristics,has proven to be so far a successful return to this fascinating world full of awesome possibilities. Painting Live,or even,Painting Live - Feeling Alive,could also be the title of this new series of drawings by Antonio Pessoa,going back to those exciting years when he,as a stage performer as a musician led him to actually go on Live Fine Art Tours all over Europe,namely Amsterdam,London,Monaco,Paris,Barcelona,Ibiza,sout hern Spain and Albufeira,Portugal. Even some art critics and experts claim that Pessoa's artistic highest level consists precisely in his drawing skills,let alone his natural and developed talent and experience to perform Live before a cheerful audience. One way or another,after the golden years of the Romantic Period up to now,the artist wisely decides to tenaciously cling to his skillful completeness as a contemporary Greatmaster,continually increasing in broader visions and new concepts by absorbing the very best of today's cutting edge references and make it better. Antonio Pessoa as always,follows his intuition and this time he doesn't make any exception.Time management and drawing skills,Imagination and high quality technique,these are the dynamic forces that leads the artist to another pure contemporary fine art journey,where the abundance of subjects,including a whole lot of portraits,which was inevitable,drives the artist into a new wonderland of discoveries ten years later since the amazing fairy tales of The Black and White album. Anexcellent way to stay focused on the secret talisman of all his Oeuvre. His wealthy imagination and his overwhelming drawing power. This option of the artist to take once again drawing on paper as the perfect and most reliable mirror of his maximum artistic expression,makes art yet more beautiful,and makes perfect sense. The secret,meaning,his true motivation,well that's really something else,something I wouldn't even dare go through the trouble to speculate about let alone try to unveil,just saying as for right now that once again,surprise,surprise,that's for him to know and for all of us to find out. I certainly wouldn't be far from the truth if I state Antonio Pessoa - New Deawings - Art Collection,is essentially and basically about Freedom,about his old concept, B Plan,Painting Live , Feeling Alive.His most genuine and spectacular way of art performance,before an audience,like a Fine Art Superstar right on Stage and right on time.Brilliant! Probably lack of interest for the daily Google Dance and the big headache of the confused worldwide Art Scene,including greedy Art Dealers and problematic Art Collectors.Antonio Pessoa decides to be once again bound for the Mediterranean or Hollywood Dream,on the road,to be and feel once again Great,happy,wealthy,healthy,sexy,enjoying the Life's perfect timing and most importantly,be and feel totally free,by taking the wise and intelligent use of his lifestyle principles,which have always involved his individual point of view and path and the consecration of his undenyable Genius in that dimension of Freedom and multiple possibilities where there is no boundary,no pressure,no hurry,and most important of all no disguised insanity. Just art,the cheerful audience,the cloudless blue sky,the summer romance,the cool tropical breeze,the blue sea and the dancing palm trees in some colorful bright corner of the world. Now that Antonio Pessoa has decided to get back on the super - drawing track,which is by all means one of the wisest decisions he could possibly have taken,anything can happen,that much we all know,beyond even the shadow of a doubt,that once that the artist is now,shall we say,relocated in the universe of what has always been after all the heart and soul of his Moder- Contemporary pure Fine Art culture and posture,what's coming next is globally quite predictable,knowing his reputation of a super persistant and rock solid motivated personality,someone who only takes action,after the bright light of a clear-sighted brilliant idea hits his mind,thought,feelings and emotions,to such an extent that whatever follows is always bound to become something running side by side,with perfect timing and perfect sense,with powerful inspired action,which results,invariably as always,are destined to turn out into dynamic feedbacks,in the old very same level and proportion of the universal concept and popular quotation which states " As we sow so shall we reap". Here he goes again! The Live Show artist,the Drawing Machine is back! Now,leading the life of the rich and famous,he is once again entitled to be soon at the right spot at the right time,it's the best and most rewarding lifestyle,with his sheer determination and effortless hard work capacity,this adventurous living process is in his system,it pays off,for the great fun of it,for the breathtaking feeling of freedom,for the direct communication unique possibilities and for many other reasons,a lifestyle where many of his attributes can indeed make it possible,namely passion,his good looks,his natural charismatic personality,one track mind,tunnel vision and at last but not the least his Greatmaster drawing skills. Antonio Pessoa,an experienced stage veteran,since his mid teens,knows too well,that what it takes to do it is basically speed of action,the power and know-how to give the audience a good entertainment session ,day after day,session after session , and what's at stake is a cheerful sunny life,thankfully pretty well off and miles and miles away from the art scene's up and downs,outs and abouts,away from the art dealers greedy stubborness,and all that jazz that not even one million dollars a month can make it up for the artist,who is not particularly fond of pressure,let alone a pretty dull boring routine. Painting Live,Feeling Alive,is definitely The Life. Anytime! Anyway... As this new start takes off and gains shape,Antonio Pessoa is back in business,back in a sort of self-made advanced Fine Art Academy,modeling patterns of excellence,deleting colors from his work,and modifying his technical tools to suit his undeniable personal unique style,as one of the best drawing talents of Modern and Contemporary Art. Motivated and inspired by his supercharged drawing secrets,Pessoa claims once again his reputation,by coming up with with amazing and exciting graphite or mixed media drawings,a new Art Collection in black and white,again surprising us all by its diversity of subjects,styles and multiple frequencies. Even before Public,Art Collectors,Art Dealers,gallery owners,co-workers and friends start to ask questions,eager to understand the artist's sudden switch,Antonio Pessoa is already in action,in the confortable privacy of his studio or working Live with his speechless closest friends and fellow artists,amazed by Pessoa's always surprising innovative and definitely unexpected brand-new artist periods. Antonio Pessoa's Greatmaster identity is one of the most significant factors that shapes his art and most importantly his capacity to keep us all in a systematic nail biting suspense. The artist's New Drawings Art Collection is already becoming another classic period in the Public's eyes,with all the exciting ingredients of the essence of changing to communicate,another course of intensive action the artist is currently holding,another empowering challenge visualizing new possibilities within the cutting edge contemporary art context,which as time goes by,clearly shows and describes what Pessoa is up to,well,at least on the surface,for the great mystery remains in the complex inner motivation of the artist's playful cinematic nature. Passionately devoting his time in the dynamic research,continuously erasing past issues into oblivion,bound to new artistic discoveries where classic and contemporary dance together hand in hand,such an impactful combination,actually that very special talent that inevitably manages to keep the Public in a state of delicious pleasurable anxiety to know and witness what's coming next,that very special talent,only a rich imagination,excellent drawing skills and a great performance intuition and style can ultimately provide. SO FAR SO GOOD - By putting into practice the saying "tomorrow is the first day of the rest of your life",the fact is that Pessoa is definitely back in his drawing , Black and White new start,another absolute studio odyssey,actually coming up with amazing artworks,most of them graphite on watercolor paper,however taking time to visualize with exciting exhilaration the next subjects,formulating new concepts between Modern Art and cutting edge contemporary expression. Radiating great self confidence in his current and upcoming New Art Drawings,the visual results also seem to resonate to the same tune and frequency.This unbreakable inspiration,studio action and super productivity is the same old phenomenon that stems from a deep conviction on the artist's inside,which is also his secret. Resolute,creative and implacable,Antonio Pessoa's first artworks of the New Drawings Art Collection clearly reflect the artist's preparedness to work whatever it takes to get his new ideas and concepts realized. The first drawings,ten years after the reputable Black and White album,such as "Creative Cosmos","Miracles","Cause and Effect" the portraits of Cristina Pato,Alyson B. Stanfield,Marta Sanchez and Xaime Quessada,"Knowledge","Daily News","Fame" and many others,shows us clearly his always high technical,eclectic great skills plus his unique capacity to go with the flow of his imagination as he pleasurably writes the fine art script of his own dreams and visions of reality. Color or Black and White,most important of all is Antonio Pessoa's communication power,which can get more Art-Public interaction than anything else.The artist knows too well it can mean the difference between worldwide regognition and isolation. These communication skills plus inspired perception through visual arts also guarantee his progress as an artist and enables him to use all of his other talents and abilities at the very highest level. Pessoa's ability to persuade the viewers of how important Art can be in order to fulfill our emotional senses,has made him one of the most unique artists in today's art scene community. Pessoa is fully aware that every human interaction - particularly when art expression is what's at stake - involves a complex process of persuasion and influence.His motivation turns out to be the art of getting people together before a collection of drawings,make them share the moment while they absolutely love it. Far from being a "Robinson Crusoe" of modern life,Antonio Pessoa has become a true communication guru,relying on Contemporary Art for the satisfaction of art collectors and public's needs. These standards of performance are thereby omnipresent in this enthusiastic New Drawings Art Collection,where the artist is definitely accomplishing a worthwhile Black and White eclectic formula,showing us again his fine art sketching expertise,an elegant dimension where color resources (or distractions ) suddenly seem to be literally dismissed and even useless. This level of competence,talent and imagination in this particular area,is after all what motivates him to go out of the traditional way of painting with rich and even sometimes shocking colors,in his absolute confidence of being totally capable of delegate and interact effectively with the Public through Black and White drawings at their very best since DaVinci,Rembradt,Dali and Picasso,while he opens up the doors to new cutting edge possibilities in the worldwide universe of Contemporary Art.