Antonio Pessoa
The Masterpiece
Antonio Pessoa recently came up with a rather brilliant concept named "MASTERPIECE".Not what you might be thinking or imagining right now.Not a painting,at least for the time being but actually a high-quality concept related with Mind Power and subsequently with art performance and lifestyle know-how.In short,the artist decides to turn his life into a spectacular Masterpiece! Breaking News! A Kingdom where everything fits and everything makes perfect sense,even when apparently the circumstances point out to the red lights of a general puzzling situation and sometimes even chaos. Sitting in his Doing without Doing comfortable leather armchair,Pessoa turns on his striking Mind Explorer search engine and after downloading the latest updates he is ready for another voyage across the Super Mind Universe. No matter how long it takes,he only takes action when his intuitive-logical reasoning makes sure everything makes perfect sense once again and it's action time! Not only deep down inside but throughout his year-after-year journey increasing awareness and self confidence,Pessoa truly knows how - one way or another - order out of chaos,train his brain and body for focused success and thereby once again make a striking Masterpiece out of his personal and professional life. After all he has proven to be a genius,not only in his larger than life high quality art expression,but overcoming disappointment,setbacks and at last check as by magic come the other side emotionally a whole lot stronger. When the contemporary master painted FREE,he sure knew exactly what he had in mind,what he was spiritually and emotionally up to,in short,set himself free of all the negative forces,turn on his super powerful imagination,install his wide Knowledge toolbar and higher,taller and stronger than ever,totally focused on his top of the list priorities,relax,cool down,and now with his easy- to-do intuition machine in full- swing...Abracadabra!Make a sensational Masterpiece out of his life.Free! It seems as if the artist starts everyday with a clean white canvas where he is going to express his top secrets to success and proceed with them in all that he will do 24 hours in a row. Surrounded himself with a team of believers,professionals in all areas,ready to step out everyday and network within his scope of top of the list priorities and Must accomplishments,his life is unquestinably day after day becoming a true Masterpiece.Fact. Antonio Pessoa,inevitably the Captain of his own ship,besides his challenging art studio performance,keeps on developing his mindset, leadership skills and global attitude in order to be able to take risks on a daily basis,confront systematic changes with open arms,thereby amazingly attracting all that he wants and creating his own MASTERPIECE ! Excellent concept.He actually named it to claim it! To turn disadvantages and setbacks into advantages and prosperity,has indeed become one of his most remarkable talents,let alone his mastery when it comes to listen and follow his intuition and instinct,a reference brand of his global reputation. Thereby,no wonder Antonio Pessoa's innovative concept of Life-beautiful and Free,meaning The Masterpiece,is not only achieving the unlimited nature of personal happiness,but actually creating already a consistent now-reality in his professional commitments and most important of all in his Life's rock solid integrity,perfect sense and global success! The way I see it (...and I'm not the only one...) - and believe me,I know what I'm talking about - the artist's fascinating and very specifically,rewarding process of setting himself Free...and consequently lead a truly fulfilling life,excelling in art performance,personal issues and professional systematic indeed by now coming up with truly amazing positive results. By adding The Masterpiece factor into the Free brilliant equation,Pessoa instantly illustrates this with such a magnificent contemporary fine art king-size canvas precisely titled FREE! Antonio Pessoa thereby uses the Art-Pleasure- Time principle as an instant,also efficient gratification,his transparent secret with a potentially very big result.Emotional Freedom! However,his top commitments more than remaining safely untouched,they gradually gain more and more positive attitude and mind-power togetherness.A truly fantastic combination. Maybe (just maybe ) I have the privilege to be among the few people who actually fully understands the artist's outlook of life and most importantly his sharp perception of his inner- self. That's another reason which contributes to make Free,one of the most significant,important and meaningful paintings of his latest art collection. Let me explain. Antonio Pessoa,more than anyone I came across in my life,fully understands the power of his thought and imagination,enabling him to establish the "Doing without Doing" concept as one of his most dominant omnipresent Zen-oriented visualization of effortless action based in the wise principle that says that in the practice of the way,everyday something is dropped,less and less do you need to force things until finally you arrive at supreme manifestation through powerful action,only this time now with no struggle whatsoever. That is the artist's out in the open secret,the very heart and soul of his Masterpiece conceptual visualization and definitely his stairway to Freedom. Free,is the paradigmatic painting which - for obvious reasons - turned out to get the important task of being the gatekeeper-guarding the emotional freedom visualization that is increasingly growing and gaining solid shape,body,meaning and power in the artist's mind. Antonio Pessoa is by now unquestionably the spiritual forerunner of all contemporary artists.This great truth is known to all his closest friends,and as good news also travel fast,this truth is thereby becoming globally accepted,cheered and admired by a wide community of art lovers and public in general,thereby gradually becoming his faithful followers,as the artist's energetic waves vibrate and are brought near them as a new revelation artistic-spiritual sympathetic resonance. The Masterpiece concept making way for an impressive and remarkable positive transformation coming into his life,is constantly feeding his creative inspiration with brand-new aspects of reality,innovative images and cutting-edge ideas. Free,is the best example so far of this mindfulness,self-awareness and positive beliefs aiming at achieving the most rewarding of all goals.Art Supreme...and Emotional Freedom! A Life quickly becoming a Masterpiece! Virtue elements,such as focus,patience,tenacity and commitment,have been some of the better options in the artist's life throughout the years up to now,providing him with a relaxed,glamorous,fulfilling lifestyle,thereby allowing not only his artistic achievements pursuit sufficient time to grow and develop but also his personal-social life to have a brilliant positive impact on the non-fiction amazing story that his life has been,is and most certainly will be. As for now,prioritizing important issues such as turn his life into a Masterpiece,is where imagination ties in with focus,the dream of yet a better present and an even better future,by placing more value on the steps in between and all along the way! Not only mind-power,inner-self awareness and determination are required,but actually a great deal of talent,yes,talent aiming at reaching the wonderful state of Freedom by making Life the ultimate Masterpiece. The Light by which Antonio Pessoa's life is systematically guided,more than the lamp of experience,is the burning flame of positive thinking and rock solid courage to accomplish higher levels of personal growth,such as total emotional Freedom,a wonderland of supreme happiness inspired by the world's greatest faith.Universal Love! The Masterpiece concept,the artist's ultimate formula,is by now powerfully crushing and eliminating the last negative influences bad seeds and definitely providing him with a grab-it- now,go-for-it super vital energy and consequently with a cutting edge skyrocket quality artistic productivity. Antonio Pessoa's Free,and Live-the-Life-you- dream Masterpiece concept,takes off from his solid mindset,his technique of powerful visualisation as he actually put himself successfully in a privileged situation of global fulfillment. Here we go.You might enjoy reading the next paragraphs to grasp the concept and thereby come closer to fully understand the artist's fascinating universe. For starters,the difference between him and most of today's art scene contemporary artists,believe me,is the very fact that he has developed,particularly throughout the past three years,a very focused,trained and powerful Mind.Now,Pessoa visualises,feels,emotionally reasons and at last he can invent and communicate every innovative idea through quality art expression.Read more... FREE...anf the Masterpiece concept is after all the beautiful togetherness,a global living arquitectural breakthrough entitled to expand his knowledge,perception and every available emotional tools - mind,body and soul - an apparently complex process,however for him,due to his large experience and mastery in this field,a pleasurable easy-to-do emotional and intuitive processor that by now enables him to excel in art studio performance,to live and enjoy life to its fullest extent. Unlimited Freedom!FREE-What is the world public saying by now about Antonio Pessoa's winds of far as their eyes can see?Is his quality new line of contemporary fine art series an accurate reflection of his successful dynamic lifestyle? Let me explain. The Masterpiece concept is above all the artist's state of mind. The thought that we always have the choice is one of the most relevant notions of the Free canvas process,very particularly Antonio Pessoa's The Masterpiece concept.Through this free options endless Universe,the artist stands before every each of his now life's red traffic lights at the intersection he is eventually and actually daily approaching.That's precisely where experience,knowledge,decision-taking efficiency,talent,perception,intuition and most importantly,imagination,do actually come in. A great living combination is seriously at stake,Life Supreme,Art Emotion,The Masterpiece! And so it seems,as I personally profoudly believe it,there's no way back. He never gives in,never in nothing,great or small,large or petty,he never,never gives in except to convictions of Freedom,Emotional Greatness,Universal Love,global good sense...Life Supreme...The Masterpiece! The Masterpiece concept,as Pessoa visualises it,is really about making a wonderful life-plan and following through,cultivating innovative ideas and the mindset that is by now bringing him joy,fulfillment and excellent artistic performance.The Masterpiece concept turns out to be after all mainly a mental toolkit of practices he does implement to ensure his thoughts and actions lead to a quality level of Life Supreme! In two words - worth two thousand two hundred images - the wise Masterpiece freedom generating process,holds the golden secret keys to unleashing full global togetherness,super potential and definitely a rewarding legendary life. Waking up for a striking new adventure,that is the question and that is the miracle at stake.Values and beliefs,talents and passions,true purpose and life absolute meaning...The Masterpiece,Antonio Pessoa's everlasting partner and lifetime commitment,starting yesterday its fascinating non- fiction motion picture,bound to make a big,big difference and just about to take place in the huge magical screen of Universal Freedom Inn. Pessoa's effective Masterpiece concept generates desire to strive for things that were thought to be impossible before.The greatest reward lies in positive thinking,thereby the artist's mental conditioners to power up his Masterpiece absolute conceptual process,art long programming his whole vital energy and creativity to strive for the dreams he loves the most,setting his sights on higher artistic and public performances as his global abilities and skills grow in structure,quality,effectiveness and communicative chemistry. The stairway to everlasting emotional Freedom! That's absolutely contemporary,that's magical,that's Art,that's the ultimate cutting- edge Masterpiece! Aiming at the ultimate power of spiritual- emotional-social-universal-artistic Freedom,Antonio Pessoa adopts the pace of nature,his Secret leading him fast to the wonderful Life Supreme. Plenty of time researching,studying,thinking and patiently feeling,gut instinct development pointing towards the right direction...when everything suddenly starts making perfect sense and all the natural elements come into place,the perfect life's combination,exactly what it was meant to be,a worthwhile awesome adventure,the Free state of mind,the absolute togetherness,The Masterpiece. Simple as spite of the inevitable complexity and commitment intensiveness of the long but rewarding journey. The artist uses his mind to create the wonderful reality he desires by forming a clear image of the true purposes of his life including his art performance daily living and brilliant creativeness. This spacious Universe of materializing and particularly manifesting this interesting talented and delightful combination,is actually where he is totally focused in driving his full potential into.Basically the idea is to follow a path of mind control that is by now leading him to experience a supreme state of consciousness,powerfully effective and bright like a transparent crystal,thereby accomplishing whatever form of lifestyle and art expression he wishes and decides to explore and consequently achieve. A blissful concept,the ultimate level of quality imagination,the absolute chemistry of higher conceptual elements aiming at a better,faster,richer living experience. Freedom,the ultimate destination of life transformation,is the artist's current key formula he has come up with to indeed being able to influence imagination to such an extent that effortlessly life's whole combination becomes...The Masterpiece! Some kind of Magic! Living in the fast lane of Elite,Pessoa goes on and on and on...inventing his own lifestyle.His philosophy on life is very simple.Life is too great to be little and he isn't specially concerned with what other people thinks of him.He knows he can solve most of the daily problems,his strenght lies within,it doesn't come from any outside forces. Self - Education of the highest merit! Thereby he takes chance after chance,aiming for the ultimate Freedom through imagination,individual style,truth,self- faithfulness and most importantly,a super motivated minset. A hero of his self-made circumstances,Antonio Pessoa travels through the big Art City,visiting systematically the affluent,high-class neighborhood,talks to the art collectors,artists,art critics,gallerists,just to discover the same old thing. There are a whole lot more exciting opportunities out of the art scene zone,just about to be explored.The Keys,so he keeps on telling me all of the time,are quite simple.Whatever he gives his attention to and focuses on, shapes his Supreme Combination,the artist creates the perfect stage to determine and thereby create his ultimate destiny.Creative success,emotional prosperity and absolute happiness,resulting in the magical rewarding cause and effect all in one. The Masterpiece! It's definitely not an illusion.It's a Must on- going now-reality,taking place in every aspect of Pessoa's increasingly exciting life. This larger than life concept,made reality by the artist,holding with rock solid determination the handle of faith,has landed in the Here and Now Wonderland of the one thousand and one secrets of stress-free life. No adrenaline rushes required,even when the art scene pressure gets as hot as hot can be. Consumed with loving,playful artistic performance,enjoying inner,professional and social life fully,Antonio Pessoa is absolutely trusting the supreme flow,connected with a high- level of emotional potential and a perpetual vital energy,a freedom flow of bliss within himself.The ecstasy everlasting state he has achieved successfully using invention and full- swing imagination as the Ultimate Oeuvre,the higher form of Art,where the entire Universe became his playground and Freedom the omnipresent flow of his River of Life! Divine mindfullness in the Now,celebrating the Now state of perpetual ebb and flow of the tides,celebrating his fulfilling existence and in so doing becoming the Master of his Art,of all arts,and most important of all the Master of Life. The Truth shows up as the rising summer sun,showing the wonderful infinite nature of The Masterpiece! Sharp cognitive abilities and imagination are the artist's basic essentials in the exciting process of the making of The Masterpiece. Mind power function efficiently zaps away all negative forces and interferences,and a new striking creative energy flows and his nutrient imagination is optimal to such an extent that putting all the pieces together to solve life's mysterious puzzles and overcome all obstacles and crossroads,suddenly turns out to be a rather enjoyable,entertaining easy-to-do task,and the more he now experiences Life Supreme the better it becomes. Pessoa's now powerful attraction to manifest what he wishes the most,Emotional Freedom and Super Artistic Performance,is the golden key to the Masterpiece concept,to the Absolute Freedom project absolute effectiveness,perception of himself and reality making the whole Universe conspire and thereby providing him with the magical tools to make and update the top quality privilege of living and being alive,while achieving the highest level of self- fulfillment.Life Supreme! At last,Here and Now,so easy to do it in a snap.Just fun ways for the artist to raise his manifesting vibration and thereby reach higher and higher levels of hopefulness,expectation,art studio action perfect alignment,joy,excitement,emotional intelligence,literally taking full control of life and manipulating at will the making of his most adventurous,daring,colorful and rewarding ultimate Work of Art. It seems to be more than perfectly clear,there is no doubt that artist Antonio Pessoa is fully determined to achieve his Masterpiece-Oeuvre resolutions,one by one,one day at a time for ever and starting yesterday.That's his wisest choice and he's doing it today,tomorrow,everyday.He turns his Masterpiece concept resolution in a few,easy-to-do simple common sense steps.He dares to dream,he excells in decision-making,he intuitively defines the abstract notions of living,developing plans,dreams,visions and projects,and he does it on a pleasurable,exciting systematic daily basis.A permanent Life Supreme lifetime resolution,something so wonderful that is with him for good.Furthermore it's pretty obvious he has become a much better artist,a privileged man,he is loving it all the way and enjoying the exciting journey.Free! It's vitally important to put what the artist Free process is all about,into words.The concrete steady meaning of the canvas creates right from the start an enduring set of exciting short- term,long-term commitments,however almost a virtual space in which is spontaneously visualized and emotionally accomplished in one fell swoop the whole concept of quality living. A Big Dream?Definitely.By all means the greatest Artwork Pessoa could have possibly come up with,the most challenging,exciting and rewarding of all dreams. Must I remind you - just in case - the level where all Life elements Must and do Match! The Supreme Understanding as to how the artist deals with his life,relationships and his career path,which fits entirely into the Free - Freedom - process and into the frame of the Masterpiece combination phenomenon. Time out!The artist decided before taking the first steps to make this real commited decision. Freedom was the priority number one,The Prize,and as a result,living a life of excellence turned out to be a current natural process in his awesome agenda. And he is definitely succeeding! The Magnet keeps on growing in strength and alignment,the energy to excel gains more power as imagination keeps on producing more and more creative elements filling up the exciting colorful puzzle-game titled The Masterpiece. However,there is no single secret.It's rather a combination of many different items.A Formula! The following principles,imagination,universal love,strategies,emotional positive heartbeat and daily fully determined action are after all the magical stepping stones leading him to become the paradigmatic high achiever aiming for accomplishing the ultimate artwork ever.Free! Changing artist Antonio Pessoa's entire life and art performance! Surpassing anything that our imaginations can conjure,Antonio Pessoa's Masterpiece concept is yielding mega results by now.Fact. The artist's strong message to share with the world,that's also the Free concept Art to Life,Mind-Power to Freedom,artist to public congeniality. Built on sustained,consistent and honest prescription values,Antonio Pessoa's Masterpiece master phenomenon - definitely not an overnight success - acknowledges on the whole that living a Life Supreme,far from being a whimsical dream,is by all means turning out to be a fine tuned now- reality quickly on it's way up the ladder to absolute Freedom!
vrijdag 21 maart 2008
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